Back from our Church Planting mission trip ... and after hugging my bathroom (those who have been will understand) ... said hello to the wife & patted the cat.
This was my third tip, this time into area's of urban poor in Manilla. We joined a team of some 35 indigenous Filipino's, many young and all entusiastic who sacrifice their vacation to see a Church given birth.
As we drove through the rain towards toward a mass of humanity I prayed that I would not just go through the motion reflecting on my previous experiences ...... and I didn't. The shackles of our life of schedules, plans, timeclocks etc was relieved for 12 days .... allowing a single minded focus on sharing Gods word and our testimony ... baring our soul for those eager to hear the truth.
There were many amazing experiences and stories:
- a lady bedridden for 12 months, accepted Jesus during a bible study and walked into a pool to be baptised by our team
- a lady testified to an amazing peace coming over her after I baptized her, subsequently impacting her life to such an extent that her husband wanted what she had .. he was baptised
- many teenagers responded to the challenge and gave their life to God
- and many more ...
In all 55 were baptised, all with their own stories and some 85 part of the Grand opening service .... all in 3 weeks on the field.
Yet again I was challenged to the core by the hospitality of these people .... in most cases poor in possessions but so rich in spirit. Whilst we struggle to invite our neighbours into our lives ... the Filippino's see it as an expected thing.
I saw what it's like when all you have is Jesus and your testimony .... and challenged as to why should it be different in Australia, in my life.
For me the journey continues .......