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Reflections from Aussie team members
Maree: "seeing God at work"
For me it was an awesome time of being challenged and meeting challenges, being blessed, and a time of seeing God working in amazing circumstances and places. The high point for me was leading a Bible study on water baptism and having a family of 6 deciding to be baptized.
Tim: "the icing on the cake"
Wow! The last 12 days have certainly been a time of challenges, and have not been without problems. I have found myself at times (plenty, actually), being asked to lead devotions, pray for everything from healing to strength, which is something that I'm not used to having to do, at least not as often as I did.
Seeing changes that have taken place in the lives of the contacts, the faces now smiling and expressing joy, or the crippled who had left their home for the first time in probably a long time, all makes it worthwhile.
The relationships formed not just amongst the teams, but amongst the contacts of the new church, and the contacts who now have a relationship with God, really is the icing on the cake.
John: "challenged"
I went to the Philippines uncertain as to why God had called me to go. Spending over a week with other Christians intent on doing Gods work has provided the perfect environment to recharge my Spiritual batteries - to spend time with my Lord in a way that required me to look to Him to see me through what He had called me to do. To see Him work in the lives of team and the people we visited was fantastic. I have been challenged by the real examples of how the Filipino team members lived out their faith. One team member used 1Th 5:16,17 as a devotion one morning. (Be joyful always, pray continuously) The challenge of this passage was reinforced through the example set by this person over the week in demonstrating it in his life.
John: "challenged"

"I'm a product of SOS ... and I will plant a church"
John Robles is one of the SOS Volunteers in the team at Calapan, Mindoro in 2010. He is in his final year at Bethel Bible College in Manila.
John received Jesus into his life in 2004, when SOS volunteers held Bible studies in his house, in Jordan, Guimaras. He was baptized and he becaome a Core Group member of the church.
John has dedicated his life to following Jesus. After completing Bible College, he will pastor a church-planting church.
To follow John's story from 2004, click on Read more
John received Jesus into his life in 2004, when SOS volunteers held Bible studies in his house, in Jordan, Guimaras. He was baptized and he becaome a Core Group member of the church.
John has dedicated his life to following Jesus. After completing Bible College, he will pastor a church-planting church.
To follow John's story from 2004, click on Read more
Sunday Update
Pastor Glen Aberia - Pastor of the new Church
together with Pastor Carlo Estampa - Assistant Pastor.
together with Pastor Carlo Estampa - Assistant Pastor.
(Ps Carlo will plant his own Church in 6 to 12 months)
The Field Director hands over the records
of all the church members
of all the church members
(collated by the SOS volunteers over the past 3 weeks)
to the Pioneer Pastors.
The New Church's Worship Team
at the Grand Opening Service.
A New Church is born.
Today in Calapan, Mindoro, The Philippines a new church was born. At the Grand Opening Service there were 50 adults and 30 children present. Other than the preaching the service was run completely by the new Christians. Praise the Lord.
More details will be provided in coming days as the team, both Filipino and Aussie return to their homes and loved ones. There has been a tremendous out-flowing of God's Holy Spirit through the willingness of all of the SOS team to speak and act in obedience to the Great Commission from Jesus to go into all the world to share the Gospel.
Matthew 28: 18-19 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (TNIV)
Right now the Aussies are on a boat as they make the return trip to Manila. As they return home over the next couple of days please pray for their safety as they travel, and also pray that the miracles seen and lessons that they have learnt during the SOS 2010 will remain fresh in their memories as they continue to share the good news of God's Love to those at home as well.
Please pray for protection over the new Church, its Pioneer Pastor and the young congregation. They will face all sorts of difficulties and challenges (including persecution) in the days ahead, but with God's help they can and will overcome.
More details will be provided in coming days as the team, both Filipino and Aussie return to their homes and loved ones. There has been a tremendous out-flowing of God's Holy Spirit through the willingness of all of the SOS team to speak and act in obedience to the Great Commission from Jesus to go into all the world to share the Gospel.
Matthew 28: 18-19 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (TNIV)
Right now the Aussies are on a boat as they make the return trip to Manila. As they return home over the next couple of days please pray for their safety as they travel, and also pray that the miracles seen and lessons that they have learnt during the SOS 2010 will remain fresh in their memories as they continue to share the good news of God's Love to those at home as well.
Please pray for protection over the new Church, its Pioneer Pastor and the young congregation. They will face all sorts of difficulties and challenges (including persecution) in the days ahead, but with God's help they can and will overcome.
Praise the Lord - More Good News
The Core Group is being trained. 3 young people are being trained in worship leading.[picture below]
On Friday we visited the beautiful north end of Mindoro island and saw same beautiful scenery . We visited a Mangyan tribal community and shared with them in their mountain-top church. The health of the Mangyan people is poor and they are subsistence farmers.
This morning a further 7 young people were baptised - it is truly wonderful to see the joy as these new Christians publicly acknowledge that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour.
In all the rush of trying to keep the blog up to date I overlooked sharing some beautiful words that Tim wrote several days ago - they are such a beautiful summary of the special joy that comes from being obedient in sharing God's Word that I just have to share them with all of you who are reading this blog.
"Today, we started the day with the usual devotion, and it as my turn to lead. I chose to work through Matthew 13, a chapter we have all read recently on the Gateway Bible Reading Plan. God put it on my heart to look at Jesus' examples of mission. After all, what are we doing here?
The day started (with me) feeling completely refreshed after a better night's sleep (despite the continual stereo snoring), and I felt a level of excitement I had not felt before. Overnight rain had meant the morning was cool and fresh, but the day quickly became very humid and stick, temps probably mid 30s.
After bible studies in the morning, back for lunch then siesta time, then this afternoon back out for more bible study with contacts.
Tonight is still warm, but there is the possibility of thunder tonight, and I'm actually looking forward to sharing with the whole team tonight about what we've been doing for the day.
Wow, has it been a good day, and I've heard that we have 4 more people who are preparing or water baptism."
Thanks Tim for sharing your experience with us ... and now for some more photos:
This is just a small sample of the beautiful people that our Aussie Team are working with, and of the beautiful area of the Philippines where they are working. Stay posted for many more heart warming and encouraging stories as God continues to work miracles in Calapan.
On Friday we visited the beautiful north end of Mindoro island and saw same beautiful scenery . We visited a Mangyan tribal community and shared with them in their mountain-top church. The health of the Mangyan people is poor and they are subsistence farmers.
This morning a further 7 young people were baptised - it is truly wonderful to see the joy as these new Christians publicly acknowledge that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour.
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In all the rush of trying to keep the blog up to date I overlooked sharing some beautiful words that Tim wrote several days ago - they are such a beautiful summary of the special joy that comes from being obedient in sharing God's Word that I just have to share them with all of you who are reading this blog.
"Today, we started the day with the usual devotion, and it as my turn to lead. I chose to work through Matthew 13, a chapter we have all read recently on the Gateway Bible Reading Plan. God put it on my heart to look at Jesus' examples of mission. After all, what are we doing here?
The day started (with me) feeling completely refreshed after a better night's sleep (despite the continual stereo snoring), and I felt a level of excitement I had not felt before. Overnight rain had meant the morning was cool and fresh, but the day quickly became very humid and stick, temps probably mid 30s.
After bible studies in the morning, back for lunch then siesta time, then this afternoon back out for more bible study with contacts.
Tonight is still warm, but there is the possibility of thunder tonight, and I'm actually looking forward to sharing with the whole team tonight about what we've been doing for the day.
Wow, has it been a good day, and I've heard that we have 4 more people who are preparing or water baptism."
Thanks Tim for sharing your experience with us ... and now for some more photos:
Worship Leaders in Training
Mangyan Tribal Village
Beautiful Puerto Gallera Scenery
This picture of Melody and her mum was taken when we went to her house to see her. Melody was crippled by Polio at age approx 8 months, and without the money to pay for the treatment, they could not afford to help her. She is almost blind,, and has a badly disfigured left foot, and rarely says anything.
We prayed for her, that she would receive healing from God, and when we visited her the next day, she said that she was feeling better, so prayer is being answered.
We take small items of food for her every day and she waits for us to call.
The picture of Kristina (left) and Geraldine having drinks was on the way back from an afternoon bible study, I shouted drinks and a snack and we have had a few minutes to sit back and relax on a hot afternoon. Kristina and Geraldine are members of our squad.
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This is just a small sample of the beautiful people that our Aussie Team are working with, and of the beautiful area of the Philippines where they are working. Stay posted for many more heart warming and encouraging stories as God continues to work miracles in Calapan.
Thursday Report
There has been much excitement as we have seen another 31 people baptised in water. This brings the total so far to 72. We sure do have an amazing God.

Converts come in all shapes and sizes. God loves each of us equally regardless of our size, race or background. He knows our hearts ....
On Thursday afternoon 30 core group members of the church assembled. All have received Jesus Christ as their Savior in the past 2 weeks, and they have all been baptised in water - some as recently as that morning. They were taught about their responsibilities as members of the body of Christ, and their responsibilities to their Pioneer Pastors. They are helping to plan the Grand Opening Service which will be held on Sunday.
Already the core group is starting to take ownership of the new church, and the SOS team will finally be farewelled as "visitors in Calapan".
The team has been taking some wonderful photographs as they travel around Calapan sharing the gospel. We are currently sorting through them all to figure out the best way to display them to you. Hopefully at least some of the photos will be posted here shortly.
Please keep praying for our health and safety. There have been a few tummy upsets as result of the unfamiliar foods and drinks that we have been sharing but God has been faithful in protecting us and the local team members from any major problems.

Converts come in all shapes and sizes. God loves each of us equally regardless of our size, race or background. He knows our hearts ....
On Thursday afternoon 30 core group members of the church assembled. All have received Jesus Christ as their Savior in the past 2 weeks, and they have all been baptised in water - some as recently as that morning. They were taught about their responsibilities as members of the body of Christ, and their responsibilities to their Pioneer Pastors. They are helping to plan the Grand Opening Service which will be held on Sunday.
Already the core group is starting to take ownership of the new church, and the SOS team will finally be farewelled as "visitors in Calapan".
The team has been taking some wonderful photographs as they travel around Calapan sharing the gospel. We are currently sorting through them all to figure out the best way to display them to you. Hopefully at least some of the photos will be posted here shortly.
Please keep praying for our health and safety. There have been a few tummy upsets as result of the unfamiliar foods and drinks that we have been sharing but God has been faithful in protecting us and the local team members from any major problems.
Location for Viewing in Google Earth
If you would like to get a better idea of exactly where the team is located you can enter the following co-ordinates in the "fly to" box on Google Earth and you will get a satellite view of what it looks like.
13° 23.870N 121° 10.512E
You may need to turn off the "weather - cloud" option as otherwise it may be difficult to see through the thick cloud cover currently over most of Mindoro.
13° 23.870N 121° 10.512E
You may need to turn off the "weather - cloud" option as otherwise it may be difficult to see through the thick cloud cover currently over most of Mindoro.
Tuesday Afternoon Update
At the request of the team I have made a small amendment to this morning's post. The consensus is that it is still very hot at night and that (other than for David) no blankets are required . Debate continues as to whether it just because David is the coolest team member .
The team is still making more new contacts, and more baptisms have been confirmed. Please pray that God will continue touching lives through the team and that even more will receive Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for the local people in Calapan - that their eyes would be opened to the false teaching that many have received regarding the worship of idols and that they would place their trust totally in the only true God through his son Jesus.
The team is still making more new contacts, and more baptisms have been confirmed. Please pray that God will continue touching lives through the team and that even more will receive Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for the local people in Calapan - that their eyes would be opened to the false teaching that many have received regarding the worship of idols and that they would place their trust totally in the only true God through his son Jesus.
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, Exodus 20: 4-5 (TNIV)
Update - Tuesday 27 April 2010
Although the afternoon sun is very hot, there is a breeze off the sea at different time of the day which makes it more bearable It has been reported that David has actually felt cool enough to need a blanket in the early hours of the morning, but all the other team members reckon that it was still very hot even at 2am. Maybe it is just that David is the coolest team member (you owe me for that comment David).
The Aussies are all taking part in leading Bible studies.They started off as one-on-one Bible Studies and are now being grouped together - this is the Congregate phase, where new believers are linked with one another and with the Pioneer Pastor. Some areas of the town are built as clusters of houses in community and when the Bible studies are finished for the afteroon the whole community comes together and meets and greets and laughs together. It already feels like fellowship time after church, and it's hard to leave!
Our accommodation is in the Elementary school. Desks and chairs are pushed back to make room for our mosquito domes and tents. The "comfort room" is attached to each classroom. Bath-time means pouring buckets of water over the head - oh so nice!
The team here in Calipan has a goal of achieving 50 baptisms - 11 more are needed to reach that figure in the final week of field work, so please pray that God would guide us to the right people. Please also continue to pray for unity amongst the team. With the long hours being worked and the at times uncomfortable conditions away from home and loved ones, it is easy to become frustrated and impatient. Most of the Filipinos on the team are also a long way away from their homes so please pray for them as the continue the Lord's work.
Praying together before going out
Houses in a local community
Sharing in a Bible Study
An Outdoor Bible Study
Children love to join in.
Some Photos of our first day in Calapan
The Pioneer Pastor gives instructions on the "Why" of baptism
- what to tell your family and friends who may ask why you have been baptised,
Baptisms in the Sea - Tim and Scott with Pioneer Pastors.
In the background is the main island of Luzon where we came from earlier in the day.
We received a royal welcome from the team - here is a dinner fit for a king.
First Day for the Aussies In Calapan
Sunday 25th April 2010
The Filipino Team has been working hard over the past two weeks and the labor of the field workers is now being richly rewarded with a bountiful harvest. To date there have been 250 conversions and on the day of our arrival there were 37 baptisms at the local beach, with more scheduled for this afternoon and during the coming week. Praise God for the work that he is doing through SOS.
Please pray for these new Christians, that they continue to grow strong in their faith, overcome fear and superstition from their past, and resist the temptation to yield to the pressure of family and neighbors to return to their old sinful ways. Your prayers for each Aussie team member would also be appreciated as we build relationships and share the gospel and encouragement with the local people.
The Filipino Team has been working hard over the past two weeks and the labor of the field workers is now being richly rewarded with a bountiful harvest. To date there have been 250 conversions and on the day of our arrival there were 37 baptisms at the local beach, with more scheduled for this afternoon and during the coming week. Praise God for the work that he is doing through SOS.
Please pray for these new Christians, that they continue to grow strong in their faith, overcome fear and superstition from their past, and resist the temptation to yield to the pressure of family and neighbors to return to their old sinful ways. Your prayers for each Aussie team member would also be appreciated as we build relationships and share the gospel and encouragement with the local people.
The Team has arrived safely!
All Aussie team members arrived safely in Manila on Thursday (22nd April) and settled in for a good sleep after their long flights. Yesterday was spent visiting a Church being planted in Tondo in the middle of Manila's urban sprawl, catching up with some old friends amongst the volunteers, team training and making all the necessary last minute arrangements before heading of to Calapan this morning.
The team will be traveling, initially by bus and then by Super-cat ferry to the island of Mindorro. Team spirits are high and everyone is looking forward to meeting with our fellow SOS volunteers in Calapan and seeing what God has in store for us. The current weather in Calapan is hot and steamy 33°C (feels more like 40°), and partly cloudy. Please continue to pray that we will be able to witness the love of Jesus in bold and effective ways during the days ahead.
The team will be traveling, initially by bus and then by Super-cat ferry to the island of Mindorro. Team spirits are high and everyone is looking forward to meeting with our fellow SOS volunteers in Calapan and seeing what God has in store for us. The current weather in Calapan is hot and steamy 33°C (feels more like 40°), and partly cloudy. Please continue to pray that we will be able to witness the love of Jesus in bold and effective ways during the days ahead.
SOS 2010
Aussie Team again joins Filipino SOS team to plant a church
This year 5 Aussies are joining the Summer Of Service (SOS) Team in Calapan, on the island of Mindoro.
The team has already met together on several occasions to pray, to build team relationships and to carry out advance planning for the trip. We have been privileged to share in prayer with our friends in the Philippines (by telephone) and we have been greatly encouraged by this contact. We have also enjoyed learning more about the area in which we are to serve and are eagerly anticipating working as part of the team with our Filipino brothers and sisters.
We are truly looking forward to a time of blessing as we see God's incredible power at work. Please pray for us as we work through all the last minute practical considerations which need to be attended to before we finally board the plane.

Please pray
April 22 2010 - We fly to Manila, Philippines.
April 23 - Team training in Manila
April 24 - We join a Filipino team who are into the 3rd and final week of church planting.
Target place: Calapan, Mindoro
The goal is the Grand Opening Service on May 2 when the new church is formed in the target place.
Pray for
¨ Safety in Target area
¨ Miracles signs and wonders
¨ Relationships established with Filipino teams
¨ Powerful testimonies
¨ Team unity
¨ Boldness
¨ Effective communication
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