Converts come in all shapes and sizes. God loves each of us equally regardless of our size, race or background. He knows our hearts ....
On Thursday afternoon 30 core group members of the church assembled. All have received Jesus Christ as their Savior in the past 2 weeks, and they have all been baptised in water - some as recently as that morning. They were taught about their responsibilities as members of the body of Christ, and their responsibilities to their Pioneer Pastors. They are helping to plan the Grand Opening Service which will be held on Sunday.
Already the core group is starting to take ownership of the new church, and the SOS team will finally be farewelled as "visitors in Calapan".
The team has been taking some wonderful photographs as they travel around Calapan sharing the gospel. We are currently sorting through them all to figure out the best way to display them to you. Hopefully at least some of the photos will be posted here shortly.
Please keep praying for our health and safety. There have been a few tummy upsets as result of the unfamiliar foods and drinks that we have been sharing but God has been faithful in protecting us and the local team members from any major problems.