Update - Tuesday 27 April 2010

Although the afternoon sun is very hot, there is a breeze off the sea at different time of the day which makes it more bearable  It has been reported that David has actually felt cool enough to need a blanket in the early hours of the morning, but all the other team members reckon that it was still very hot even at 2am.  Maybe it is just that David is the coolest team member (you owe me for that comment David).
The Aussies are all taking part in leading Bible studies.They started off as one-on-one Bible Studies and are now being grouped together - this is the Congregate phase, where new believers are linked with one another and with the Pioneer Pastor.  Some areas of the town are built as clusters of houses in community and when the Bible studies are finished for the afteroon the whole community comes together and meets and greets and laughs together. It already feels like fellowship time after church, and it's hard to leave!
Our accommodation is in the Elementary school. Desks and chairs are pushed back to make room for our mosquito domes and tents. The "comfort room" is attached to each classroom. Bath-time means pouring buckets of water over the head - oh so nice!
The team here in Calipan has a goal of achieving 50 baptisms - 11 more are needed to reach that figure in the final week of field work, so please pray that God would guide us to the right people.  Please also continue to pray for unity amongst the team.   With the long hours being worked and the at times uncomfortable conditions away from home and loved ones, it is easy to become frustrated and impatient.  Most of the Filipinos on the team are also a long way away from their homes so please pray for them as the continue the Lord's work.  
 Praying together before going out
  Houses in a local community
 Sharing in a Bible Study

An Outdoor Bible Study

 Children love to join in.