Guillermo is 56 and is suffering from paralysis and hypertension. He has lived a hard life, but played hard and became so dependent on the bottle together with his mates. He came to realise that he was living in a condition of hopelessness and didn't know which way to turn. He knew one thing very clearly: that he felt heavily burdened and guilty because of his past life.
Then the SOS team comes into his life. Just another contact visit by the team not knowing what God had in mind for that day. God had something dramatic to do that day. As Guillermo listened to the team and participated in bible studies, everything fell into place. He came to realise that the cause of his hopelessness was not confessing his burdensome sins of his past to His God and not knowing of the forgiveness available to him which comes because of the sacrifice of Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords. As soon as he completed the bible study on water baptism, he desperately wanted to be baptised that day. The team said they would organise it for 3pm that afternoon. They then continued to see other contacts in another area (Puruk). These visits also inspired strong interest, with people gathering around the discussion and asking questions. The interest was so intense that the team forgot about their 3pm appointmnet with Guillermo. They raced back to his place to find that he had been patiently waiting for 2 complaints, but desperate to be baptised that day. He wanted those sins washed away asap.
The team began to organise a suitable time for the following day but he pleaded for it to be done that day. It was too dark for the river, and not quite appropriate at the resort. Someone suggested one of the blue plastic 44 gallon water drums back at the school where the team was accommodated. Perfect solution. Guillermo couldn't get the smile off his face. He was so excited that it was really happening. The baptism was performed. Total immersion was achieved, and he rose out the waters of baptism smiling and relieved that his sins were now washed away and that he was obedient to the Word of God. After prayer for his healing that night, he felt a relief of his medical condition and had this amazing feeling of being cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and the burdens of sin lifted.
In days following Guillermo intoduced the team to his five friends and accompanied the team to invite other contacts to the GOS. His presence endorsed the work of the team and gave them more listening ears. Guillermo insisted in helping the team invite contacts to a special seminar to be held in his area. At the seminar, he gave his testimony to his friends and neighbours of what God had done for him. This encouraged many of them to come to the Grand Opening Service. He has been working intensely in The Lord's vineyard ever since. He is so very much aware of God's grace to him that he wants others to hear what God can also do for them. He is a shining example of a disciple of Christ and has impacted many lives already for Jesus. God be praised for working so beautifully in this one life.
- Leo.