Reflections on the mission trip

Back from our Church Planting mission trip ... and after hugging my bathroom (those who have been will understand) ... said hello to the wife & patted the cat.
This was my third tip, this time into area's of urban poor in Manilla. We joined a team of some 35 indigenous Filipino's, many young and all entusiastic who sacrifice their vacation to see a Church given birth.
As we drove through the rain towards toward a mass of humanity I prayed that I would not just go through the motion reflecting on my previous experiences ...... and I didn't. The shackles of our life of schedules, plans, timeclocks etc was relieved for 12 days .... allowing a single minded focus on sharing Gods word and our testimony ... baring our soul for those eager to hear the truth.
There were many amazing experiences and stories:
- a lady bedridden for 12 months, accepted Jesus during a bible study and walked into a pool to be baptised by our team
- a lady testified to an amazing peace coming over her after I baptized her, subsequently impacting her life to such an extent that her husband wanted what she had .. he was baptised
- many teenagers responded to the challenge and gave their life to God
- and many more ...
In all 55 were baptised, all with their own stories and some 85 part of the Grand opening service .... all in 3 weeks on the field.
Yet again I was challenged to the core by the hospitality of these people .... in most cases poor in possessions but so rich in spirit. Whilst we struggle to invite our neighbours into our lives ... the Filippino's see it as an expected thing.
I saw what it's like when all you have is Jesus and your testimony .... and challenged as to why should it be different in Australia, in my life.
For me the journey continues .......
New Worship Leader is trained

A new worship leader, Regina, was shown "the ropes" during the Grand Opening Service. An experienced worship leader from the SOS Team helped her prepare a solo item, and led the way in the opening praise and worship. By the end of the service, Regina has taken over the microphone and is leading (see inset circle, last photo). Next week she is the one who will lead.
The new church is born

At the Grand Opening Service, the church was full! 85 people attended from Barangay Holy Spirit, not counting the SOS Team. The name of the church - "Jesus Christ Our Savior Assembly of God" is located above the "Idol Billiard Hall". The birth of the church was exciting, with testimony from a new convert, and a mounting sense of "ownership" by the new congregation. At the end of the church service, the new church members thanked the SOS volunteers and waved them goodbye. The new church members were soon worshiping the Lord with hands raised high!
Baptism - how to transform a husband!

What an amazing experience as those who had accepted Christ, 55 in all to date, exercised obedience to God in submitting to water Baptism. I had the privelage,to baptise 7 beautiful Filipino's converted by my sqaud. We later visited them to encourage them and was touched by the testimony of "Mae" (pictured with myself and Pioneer Pastor Arnel). She shared how she had felt an amazing peace come over her after being baptised, feeling Gods love and presence in a real way. That her feelings of hoplessness tears of joy welled up in her eyes we all became blubbering messes as we saw that Jesus really does change lives. Mae shared that her husband was so impacted by her life change, her "peace" and the elimination of her "nagging of him"(her words not mind), that he wanted what she she challenged him to accept Christ and be Baptised....he did and was at the Grand Opening Service!!........Paul
Carlos Story

Yesterday I mentioned Carlos who we met walking past on the street. He said he was backslidden and into illegal things and wanted to come back to God but he could not yet. We chllenged and encouraged him and prayed for him all afternoon and morning, but I did not see him at the seminar. When we got to the last group to be baptised Carlos stepped into the water and I was so excited. The Good Shepherd had sent us for the lost sheep and we were rejoicing with Him that Carlos was found. Please pray that God will provide a miracle to deliver him from the illegal activites and associates he is working for and provide a way to support his family that will honor God.
Best mission trip ever!
Woohoo! 40+ additional Water Baptisms today and most of the people have only been saved for a few days! This is in addition to 23 baptisms already done on Tuesday & some more Water baptisms booked in for next week. Seriously once you get past the fear of leaving the land of oz for 10 days & making an investment into the Kingdom of less than $2000aud this is so easy, so simple. All we need to do is go with our awesome team mates to the field work, introduce ourselves & read the bible study aloud point by point, A translator will interpret point by point. At the end, you read the challenge to the people and the translator will translate.
As an Aussie you have no Idea how desperate & how receptive the people are until one of your fellow team mates says in English, they will accept! they want Jesus to be their saviour, or... they will be water Baptised. SOS is an incredible model that works so well for advancing the cause of Christ in the Philippines. I am so desperate to see a Church planting Model of this calibre start up in Australia. Imagine if in Australia we could mobilise volunteers to be used by God to turn over to a pioneer pastor a congregation of believers committed to be the core group of a newly planted church in a target area or town. Cynics might sit on the sidelines & tell me that Church planting could never be as effective as this in Australia. As a team we have all personally witnessed the power of the Gospel in setting people free from all the vices of idolatry. Pictured below is a Lady who was unable to walk. She has been paralysed not being able to leave her bed for over a year, We did some bible studies with her, both her & her son gave their hearts to Jesus & in the following days asked to be baptised. She is now able to walk again and her doctors confirmed that she is not paralysed any more. She is free to move around again.
The photos below show her misery before accepting Christ (while she was still paralysed) & her overwhelming joy on the way to being water baptised. She was very afraid to enter the water to be baptised & missed the opportunity to be baptised along with the rest of squad 3. Finally she came forward & was Baptised by Pastor Arnel & Tim. Halelulia. Heaven is rejoicing today! Satan has lost some territory! halelulia!!! this is just one of 1000's of stories right now all over the philippines Scott Maddrell

As an Aussie you have no Idea how desperate & how receptive the people are until one of your fellow team mates says in English, they will accept! they want Jesus to be their saviour, or... they will be water Baptised. SOS is an incredible model that works so well for advancing the cause of Christ in the Philippines. I am so desperate to see a Church planting Model of this calibre start up in Australia. Imagine if in Australia we could mobilise volunteers to be used by God to turn over to a pioneer pastor a congregation of believers committed to be the core group of a newly planted church in a target area or town. Cynics might sit on the sidelines & tell me that Church planting could never be as effective as this in Australia. As a team we have all personally witnessed the power of the Gospel in setting people free from all the vices of idolatry. Pictured below is a Lady who was unable to walk. She has been paralysed not being able to leave her bed for over a year, We did some bible studies with her, both her & her son gave their hearts to Jesus & in the following days asked to be baptised. She is now able to walk again and her doctors confirmed that she is not paralysed any more. She is free to move around again.
The photos below show her misery before accepting Christ (while she was still paralysed) & her overwhelming joy on the way to being water baptised. She was very afraid to enter the water to be baptised & missed the opportunity to be baptised along with the rest of squad 3. Finally she came forward & was Baptised by Pastor Arnel & Tim. Halelulia. Heaven is rejoicing today! Satan has lost some territory! halelulia!!! this is just one of 1000's of stories right now all over the philippines Scott Maddrell

Bring up a child...

This picture is a prophetic message to a family that I visited over a few days. The promise is that when the Grandfather - Ricardo and Eden (neighbour) dedicate their lives to following God and His word, and bring their children up following God's word, they will be firmly established in God. They will walk in His ways. Standing on His Word has a new meaning when I look at this picture... Kerri
The great Australian Chocolate Challenge

As a team of Aussies we felt it was important to exchange cultures with our Philipino Team mates. On a short term mission trip when food is put in front of you, you are expected to eat it, no matter what. the last thing we wanted to do was offend our fellow team mates by insulting their cooking of small fish soup, rice, Sour Vegetables, Rice, Bitter vegetables & did i mention more rice! So in return we thought it would be important to introduce them to Australias favourite Chocolate. Vegemite. before letting them try our world famous Chocolate We taught them how to sing "were happy little vegemites, bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast lunch and tea, our mothers say were growing stronger every single week because we love our vegemite, we all adore our vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek! you can see their response in the photos.... Scott
The "crazy ladies"...

Two middle aged ladies,...dedicated to God...sacrificing their holildays for the slums of Manila have taught me more in four days about mission than many previous years. I have been inspired by their genuine love for their contacts, humility in character and absolute belief in the power Gods word. They have lead many to Christ and are have wept at the prospect of leaving to go home......come on Australia, we can do, we can reach those we live, love and laugh with...get some "crazy lady" spirit......Paul C
God answers prayer for converts...

The goal of Summer of Service (SOS) is to hand over to the pioneer pastor a congregation of believers who are committed to being the core group of a new church in the target area. Our target area is an area about 10 blocks. Seminars and teaching are a vital part of this process. Today we were having a core group seminar at 9am and baptism to follow at about 11.30am. At 7am this morning it started raining, but we went out in the rain to meet our contacts and encourage them to come. I went with sister Merel to bring an Nany Vive in a motorbike side car to church as she could not walk that far. She had started getting ready at 6am. At the teaching seminar we had a full house of about 60 contacts (not counting the team) and almost all agreed they wanted to show their response to God through Baptism. We then went to a private residence in an estate near the big mall and hired their pool area to baptise these new believers. The Aussies had the priviledge of baptising their squad people with Pastor Arnel the pioneer pastor.This was an overwhelming experience.... Anne
Encouragement amidst poverty

Today we joined two contact groups into a small group. We had Grandfather Ricardo with many grandchildren, and his neighbour Eden and her two kids (see bible & feet picture).
Ricardo is an elderly man with asthma and is praying for healing or medications to cope with this. He was already encouraging Eden to be baptisted as he had been. These new beleivers are already encouraging each other in the faith.
These children have real hope with a parent and a grandparent to pass along the word of god to them.
Relationships developing

Each day we head down small laneways. In each of these laneways there are dozens of doors which open up on the lives of hundreds of people.
Over the past 3 days we've been back to some familiar places to visit our new friends. As we listen to each other's stories and laugh together, the surroundings fade and the eyes light up when they understand God's love for them and His word.
Tomorrow is a significant seminar for the development of the new church plant. Please pray that all who want to come will be able to and that there will be nothing standing in their way.
Praise God and Keep Praying
Praise God Scott's squad 3 had 11 more commitments made today (18 total) to be water baptised and attend the core group training seminar tomorrow, Please pray that God for protection of these decisions and that they will continue to connect with the new pastor and each other... Scott
Another praise point - David made contact with a business man and his wife who gave their lives to the Lord today and are committing to attend the church.
Another praise point - David made contact with a business man and his wife who gave their lives to the Lord today and are committing to attend the church.
Personally challenging for me
I personally have been very challenged. Yesterday our last contact we visited told us that she has third stage cancer and she told us she has a total peace and knows exactly what is going on and what the road ahead will offer.
She is a believer, and this story was close to me and I shared with her about my own mother dying of cancer. I spoke to her of healing and that we do not always receive healing in our body, but we will receive spiritual healing and freedom with God forever. We prayed with this woman for healing from God and that she will have continued peace.
Please join us in this prayer....Tim
She is a believer, and this story was close to me and I shared with her about my own mother dying of cancer. I spoke to her of healing and that we do not always receive healing in our body, but we will receive spiritual healing and freedom with God forever. We prayed with this woman for healing from God and that she will have continued peace.
Please join us in this prayer....Tim
New church has a name
Google Earth

Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City, Manila
The site of the church plant can be seen on Google Earth. Barangay Holy Spirit has a population of 150,000 registered voters - maybe double that number including children. The area in the picture, in which the new church is being planted has more than 10,000 people.
Use Google Earth to zoom into the location at: Latitude: 14°41'18.69"N Longitude: 121° 5'9.86"E
Google Earth
The site of the church plant can be seen on Google Earth. Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City, Manila. Zoom into the location where the SOS team is staying at: Latitude: 14°41'18.69"N Longitude: 121° 5'9.86"E
Humbled by their generosity,challenged by their lives
It is a hunbling experience, as we move from one house to another sharing in the ministry of the word, to be greeted with such warm hospitality...from people with very little earthly possesions. It challenges me to think of how much we (I) in Australia have yet how little we really have as we drive our nice cars on our nice roads into nice house having little time for each other in our busy schedules.
Who is the richer? How can I respond?What can I do? ....but to love justice, practice mercy and walk humbly with my God.
...... Paul
Who is the richer? How can I respond?What can I do? ....but to love justice, practice mercy and walk humbly with my God.
...... Paul
Bible Studies with Squad 5
Squad 5 headed out together splitting into 2 smaller teams of 3 and I (Kerri) was one of 3 that visited 2 previous contacts homes to encourage them in their decision to follow Christ.
The first was a great grandfather who lived downstairs from his daughter who had several children. I prayed with him and we hope to see him at the church opening on Sunday along with his grandchildren who will hopefully be raised in the knowledge of Jesus and the salvation he brings us all.
The second was a young mother with 3 young kids who has been a Christian for a while but are encouraging her to come along to the new congregation to be one of the believers who will support the pioneer pastor of the newly formed church. It was a wonderful privilege to be invited into their homes and speak and pray with them.
Before lunch I (Kerri) and 2 of my team members Analyn & Rhenz (who interpreted to Tagalog tongue) conducted a bible study with 2 young boys and we spoke about why we need a Savior and they recommitted their lives to Jesus.
The first was a great grandfather who lived downstairs from his daughter who had several children. I prayed with him and we hope to see him at the church opening on Sunday along with his grandchildren who will hopefully be raised in the knowledge of Jesus and the salvation he brings us all.
The second was a young mother with 3 young kids who has been a Christian for a while but are encouraging her to come along to the new congregation to be one of the believers who will support the pioneer pastor of the newly formed church. It was a wonderful privilege to be invited into their homes and speak and pray with them.
Before lunch I (Kerri) and 2 of my team members Analyn & Rhenz (who interpreted to Tagalog tongue) conducted a bible study with 2 young boys and we spoke about why we need a Savior and they recommitted their lives to Jesus.
Being looked after...
Bible studies with Squad 1

I (Anne) have been assigned to group 1 and led 2 bible studies this morning. One was in a house 4 mtrs by 10 mtrs with four sectioned off bedrooms and kitchen and bathroom. The electricity had been disconnected so we were reading by torch light and candle light. We had 6 contacts at this bible study and we taught about the need for Salvation, Christ as the Saviour and what is sin. All had heard of Jesus before and all re-dedicated their lives to him at the end of the Bible Study. They were what the SOS team call 'Unchurched' - people who have had a faith but not been able to attend a church. Now they promised to come to the next Seminar on Thursday night and to church on Sunday.
These isolated believers now have the opportunity to worship with other believers. Please pray for 2 of the ladies who have not been able to fall pregnant.
It is such an honour to work alongside these passionate Filipino's and realise how simple it can be to share the truth.
These isolated believers now have the opportunity to worship with other believers. Please pray for 2 of the ladies who have not been able to fall pregnant.
It is such an honour to work alongside these passionate Filipino's and realise how simple it can be to share the truth.
The real work begins
This morning the schedule started at
- 5am with a whistle blowing for exercises. Kerri & Anne were a little late but they were gracious and did not make us do the Filipino Haka. Star jumps were compulsory!!! Of the five Aussies questions for team points, only two, and we won't name who (Anne & Kerri) were not disqualified.
- 5.30am Section Devotions (we each were put into a outreach group for the next week)
- 6am - 8am Breakfast, personal hygiene, devotions
- 8am - 9am Team worship and prayer
- 9am out to bible studies with the contacts
Each night so far it has stormed, and this has cooled it off to sleep. PTL and today the humidity much higher and we are all glowing.
Street Evangelism

Street drama is used by the team to convey the horrors of hell. Many people who indulge in drug and alchohol, gays, prostitutes, and harsh rich men are going to hell. But if they receive Jesus Christ they will know freedom and salvation. The drama shows that everyone can know the love of Jesus. They are invited to join a Bible Study.
During the appeal time I (Anne) saw a lady sitting opposite me with child on her lap. She looked very tired and life worn. My heart broke for her. I was so pleased to see Merill, a young team member, go to her and ask if she would have a bible study. Merill told me that this woman was a member of a Christian fellowship but worked Monday to Saturday has children and an unemployed husband and was too tired to have a bible study. I asked if I could pray with Merill for her and we prayed for cancer in her back, employment for her husband and that the Joy of the Lord would be her strength.
The people have hard lives and God can make a difference. He longs to, and without him what hope is there?
From Pastor Scott
Thanks to everyone for praying for me. I am feeling a lot better, bodily functions have returned and I've had some Jollibee (Philippines version of KFC) for lunch.
I'm frustrated that I did not get to preach this morning but I'm sure David would have done a reasonable job though. :-) the rest of the team is having Ballut for lunch - this is a Philippines delicacy of a boiled fertilised duck egg. I had this last time I was in Philippines and besides a crunchy cartilage yolk tasted pretty much like egg.
I'm frustrated that I did not get to preach this morning but I'm sure David would have done a reasonable job though. :-) the rest of the team is having Ballut for lunch - this is a Philippines delicacy of a boiled fertilised duck egg. I had this last time I was in Philippines and besides a crunchy cartilage yolk tasted pretty much like egg.
Scott feeling a lot better
You guys are great prayers!!!
It is 1155am Philippines time and Scott is feeling well, his body is working, no more vomiting and tolerating food. Thanks guys. You are our partners in this trip.
Although we (Scott & Anne) have not been able to go to church this morning we have been surrounded by prayer and worship with the Baptist Church downstairs, the SOS church plant down the road and the 1st Assembly Angono interceding as well.
This week is going to be fantastic!
It is 1155am Philippines time and Scott is feeling well, his body is working, no more vomiting and tolerating food. Thanks guys. You are our partners in this trip.
Although we (Scott & Anne) have not been able to go to church this morning we have been surrounded by prayer and worship with the Baptist Church downstairs, the SOS church plant down the road and the 1st Assembly Angono interceding as well.
This week is going to be fantastic!
Day 2 - Sunday Services
Today the team breaks into two. Scott & Anne stay behind in Holy Spirit while the remainder of the Aussie team go to Pasor Rick's church to preach, worship and share in fellowship.
The SOS team (in Holy Spirit) are conducting a church service for some of the new believers and other church attenders. This is only a few blocks away. Next week is the grand opening of the new church and we worship god together today and ask for Him to open more doors this week into the lives of the lost in our vicinity. Tomorrow we continue going door to door and visit people in their homes for bible study.
Thanks for your prayer journey with us. More from the team soon.
The SOS team (in Holy Spirit) are conducting a church service for some of the new believers and other church attenders. This is only a few blocks away. Next week is the grand opening of the new church and we worship god together today and ask for Him to open more doors this week into the lives of the lost in our vicinity. Tomorrow we continue going door to door and visit people in their homes for bible study.
Thanks for your prayer journey with us. More from the team soon.
Unwell team member
Pastor Scott Maddrell has had vomiting and dehydration leading to difficuty with other bodily functions. He continues to be in some distress now on Sunday morning at 9am Philippines time. Please pray for restoration of fluids and salts and relief from the strong cramping abdominal pains. Fortunately we were able to aquire some injections to help with vomiting, and Scott is resting now. It's a good reminder to the team to be aware of hydration and hygiene. None want the team nurse to give them the same attention as Scott had last evening.
Baptism of 23 new Believers!
Pray for the continued growth a dicipleship of these new young believers over the coming weeks and months.
Our Destination The (Shire) Barangay - Holy Spirit
The area we are working in has a radius of about 10 blocks, which has about 10 000 people and is a part of a Shire (Barangay) of about 150 000 people. The Baptist school we are based at is in the middle of urban poor, with small, cramped, impoverished living conditions. The team have been able to start 70 bible studies in this area in the past two weeks with 4-10 people in each bible study. The goal is to join these groups into larger bible studies so the pioneer pastor can manage the follow-up his new church.
Day 1 - Travel to meet the team
We drove on Commonwelath Road an 8 lane highway (both ways) out to Quezon City, BarangayHoly Spirit to meet the team we will be working alongside.
We passed the Ignatius Christos church, seating 5000, which is a strong sect in Manilla. Some sources say 7 out of 10 people belong to this sect. They use the bible but don't believe in Christ's divintity nor the Holy Spirit, and belonging to the church is all you need to go to heaven. New converts are followed up for 20 days every day with indoctrination and there s a resistance in this group of people to the gospel. Please pray for the power and Person of Jesus to show them His divinity through prayers for healing and other signs to them.
We passed the Ignatius Christos church, seating 5000, which is a strong sect in Manilla. Some sources say 7 out of 10 people belong to this sect. They use the bible but don't believe in Christ's divintity nor the Holy Spirit, and belonging to the church is all you need to go to heaven. New converts are followed up for 20 days every day with indoctrination and there s a resistance in this group of people to the gospel. Please pray for the power and Person of Jesus to show them His divinity through prayers for healing and other signs to them.
Team arrives

A breakfast together at the start of Team training
A welcome chocolate on the pillow, a map of the Philippines and a local SIM card for the first night in Manila !
We met with Pastor Rick Alay, the Assistant Superintendent of the local District of churches. He graciously took us for a vsit to Rizal Park where we could see some of the history of the Philippines. A Filipino lunch, a debrief and a swim, and we are getting ready to meet the SOS Team in our target area.
Please pray
April 23 2009
We fly to Manila, Philippines.
April 24
Team training in Manila
April 25
We join a Filipino team who are into the 3rd and final week of church planting.
Target place: Barangay Holy Spirit, Commonwealth, Quezon City
The goal is the Grand Opening Service on May 3 when the new church is formed in the target place.
Pray for
¨ Safety in Target area
¨ Miracles signs and wonders
¨ Relationships established with Filipino teams
¨ Powerful testimonies
¨ Team unity
¨ Boldness
¨ Effective communication
We fly to Manila, Philippines.
April 24
Team training in Manila
April 25
We join a Filipino team who are into the 3rd and final week of church planting.
Target place: Barangay Holy Spirit, Commonwealth, Quezon City
The goal is the Grand Opening Service on May 3 when the new church is formed in the target place.
Pray for
¨ Safety in Target area
¨ Miracles signs and wonders
¨ Relationships established with Filipino teams
¨ Powerful testimonies
¨ Team unity
¨ Boldness
¨ Effective communication
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