Street drama is used by the team to convey the horrors of hell. Many people who indulge in drug and alchohol, gays, prostitutes, and harsh rich men are going to hell. But if they receive Jesus Christ they will know freedom and salvation. The drama shows that everyone can know the love of Jesus. They are invited to join a Bible Study.
During the appeal time I (Anne) saw a lady sitting opposite me with child on her lap. She looked very tired and life worn. My heart broke for her. I was so pleased to see Merill, a young team member, go to her and ask if she would have a bible study. Merill told me that this woman was a member of a Christian fellowship but worked Monday to Saturday has children and an unemployed husband and was too tired to have a bible study. I asked if I could pray with Merill for her and we prayed for cancer in her back, employment for her husband and that the Joy of the Lord would be her strength.
The people have hard lives and God can make a difference. He longs to, and without him what hope is there?