Woohoo! 40+ additional Water Baptisms today and most of the people have only been saved for a few days! This is in addition to 23 baptisms already done on Tuesday & some more Water baptisms booked in for next week. Seriously once you get past the fear of leaving the land of oz for 10 days & making an investment into the Kingdom of less than $2000aud this is so easy, so simple. All we need to do is go with our awesome team mates to the field work, introduce ourselves & read the bible study aloud point by point, A translator will interpret point by point. At the end, you read the challenge to the people and the translator will translate.
As an Aussie you have no Idea how desperate & how receptive the people are until one of your fellow team mates says in English, they will accept! they want Jesus to be their saviour, or... they will be water Baptised. SOS is an incredible model that works so well for advancing the cause of Christ in the Philippines. I am so desperate to see a Church planting Model of this calibre start up in Australia. Imagine if in Australia we could mobilise volunteers to be used by God to turn over to a pioneer pastor a congregation of believers committed to be the core group of a newly planted church in a target area or town. Cynics might sit on the sidelines & tell me that Church planting could never be as effective as this in Australia. As a team we have all personally witnessed the power of the Gospel in setting people free from all the vices of idolatry. Pictured below is a Lady who was unable to walk. She has been paralysed not being able to leave her bed for over a year, We did some bible studies with her, both her & her son gave their hearts to Jesus & in the following days asked to be baptised. She is now able to walk again and her doctors confirmed that she is not paralysed any more. She is free to move around again.
The photos below show her misery before accepting Christ (while she was still paralysed) & her overwhelming joy on the way to being water baptised. She was very afraid to enter the water to be baptised & missed the opportunity to be baptised along with the rest of squad 3. Finally she came forward & was Baptised by Pastor Arnel & Tim. Halelulia. Heaven is rejoicing today! Satan has lost some territory! halelulia!!! this is just one of 1000's of stories right now all over the philippines Scott Maddrell