I (Anne) have been assigned to group 1 and led 2 bible studies this morning. One was in a house 4 mtrs by 10 mtrs with four sectioned off bedrooms and kitchen and bathroom. The electricity had been disconnected so we were reading by torch light and candle light. We had 6 contacts at this bible study and we taught about the need for Salvation, Christ as the Saviour and what is sin. All had heard of Jesus before and all re-dedicated their lives to him at the end of the Bible Study. They were what the SOS team call 'Unchurched' - people who have had a faith but not been able to attend a church. Now they promised to come to the next Seminar on Thursday night and to church on Sunday.
These isolated believers now have the opportunity to worship with other believers. Please pray for 2 of the ladies who have not been able to fall pregnant.
It is such an honour to work alongside these passionate Filipino's and realise how simple it can be to share the truth.
These isolated believers now have the opportunity to worship with other believers. Please pray for 2 of the ladies who have not been able to fall pregnant.
It is such an honour to work alongside these passionate Filipino's and realise how simple it can be to share the truth.