The goal of Summer of Service (SOS) is to hand over to the pioneer pastor a congregation of believers who are committed to being the core group of a new church in the target area. Our target area is an area about 10 blocks. Seminars and teaching are a vital part of this process. Today we were having a core group seminar at 9am and baptism to follow at about 11.30am. At 7am this morning it started raining, but we went out in the rain to meet our contacts and encourage them to come. I went with sister Merel to bring an Nany Vive in a motorbike side car to church as she could not walk that far. She had started getting ready at 6am. At the teaching seminar we had a full house of about 60 contacts (not counting the team) and almost all agreed they wanted to show their response to God through Baptism. We then went to a private residence in an estate near the big mall and hired their pool area to baptise these new believers. The Aussies had the priviledge of baptising their squad people with Pastor Arnel the pioneer pastor.This was an overwhelming experience.... Anne